Music and movement enrichment classes for infants and young children.
Live Soon in 2025
Music education with Little Ones in mind
Classes are designed to engage young children's natural curiosity and imagination.
Little Ones will sing, move, play instruments, and more.
Lead by enthusiastic instructors with live musical accompaniment.
Seedling Group Classes
Will be offered in 2025
(6 months to 3 years old).
Classes are designed for Seedlings to sing, move, play, and be delighted by the joy of music-making. Seedling classes involve active participation from a parent/guardian. This a chance to sing and laugh together while bonding over music.
Classes are 45 minutes each and cost $150 per session (4 classes per session)
Group Classes
Will be offered in 2025
(3-4 years old)
Sprout classes allow young children to learn the basics of music, singing, rhythmic patterns, and memorization. The goal of classes is to build confidence while developing vocal strength. All while having fun with music!
Classes are 45 minutes each and cost $150 per session (4 classes per session)